This prayer sheet is inspired by the May 2020 theme of the month: Small.
In these prayers we open ourselves to hear God’s gentle whisper and look to him to give us a quietly prophetic voice to proclaim his heart for the world.
For personal use or to share.
Be still!
We come to quiet ourselves in this haven of holiness.
Be still and know . . .
We come to discern the Word which can set us free.
Be still and know that God is
our Hope, our Help, our Refuge, and our Redeemer.
O God, you come to us not in the chaos of the whirlwind, not in the roar of the earthquake, not in the crackling heat of the fire, but in the sound of sheer silence.
Quiet our minds, bring peace to our hearts and stillness to our bodies that we might meet you in that silence.
Help us to listen for your still, small voice.
Give us the courage to go wherever you lead us, trusting that you will prepare the way.
We pray this in the name of our Companion on the journey,
Jesus the Christ.
God, we confess that we do not always understand Your ways. We are easily discouraged when life takes unexpected turns and our carefully laid plans and dreams come to nothing. We confess that we are quick to give up when things get difficult, and quick to question Your presence and Your power.
Forgive us. Grant us patience to wait for Your good timing. Open our eyes to recognize Your leading in our lives — to listen for Your gentle whisper when we least expect it. And then give us courage to step out in faith and obedience, trusting in Your leading even when we cannot yet see the outcome.
We praise You for Your faithful love, and pray that You would make us worthy to bear Your name.
In a cynical and despairing world, O God, give us a quietly prophetic voice to proclaim your hope.
In a violent and angry world, O God, give us a quietly prophetic voice to proclaim your peace.
In a dismissive and disinterested world, O God, give us a quietly prophetic voice to proclaim your compassion.
In a lonely and inhospitable world, O God, give us a quietly prophetic voice to proclaim your love.
In a grieving and weeping world, O God, give us a quietly prophetic voice to proclaim your joy.
May we be so captivated by your hope, O God, that we cannot help but to whisper, to sing, and to enact, the message of your reign which is always coming into our world. And may our quietly prophetic lives, be channels of your restoring grace wherever we may go.
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
Let us pray …
O God, I hold up my life to you now, as much as I can, as high as I can, in this mysterious reach called prayer. Come close, lest I wobble and fall short.
It is not days or years I seek from you, not infinity and enormity, but small things and moments and awareness, awareness that you are in what I am and in what I have been indifferent to.
It is not new time, but new eyes, new heart I seek, and you.
Trust in God, and do what is good; live with quiet confidence where God has placed you. Delight in God’s presence, and you will have all that your heart desires. Commit everything you do to God — trust Him completely — and He will never let you down. Be patient. Don’t worry or get upset when things don’t go well. Instead, learn to rest in God’s presence. For those who trust in God will have everything they need.
A. by Thom Shuman, from Lectionary Liturgies
B. by Rev. Heather A. Moody, from
C. from re-worship
E. by John van de Laar, from
G. by Ted Loder, from his book, Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle
H. from re-worship
Prayer sheet prepared by Rev. Irene Bom, OLM in International Presbytery of the Church of Scotland, compiled for the Prayer Matters blog (May 2020), inspired by the theme of the month: Small