This prayer sheet is inspired by the October 2017 theme of the month: Together.
In these prayers we look to God in community to help us to be a community of faith, hope, love, joy and peace.
For personal use or to share.
International Presbytery of the Church of Scotland
This prayer sheet is inspired by the October 2017 theme of the month: Together.
In these prayers we look to God in community to help us to be a community of faith, hope, love, joy and peace.
For personal use or to share.
Outside St Andrews Scots Kirk, Lausanne (Photo: Irene Bom)
Here are 3 short prayers affirming our communion with the holy and glorious Trinity and seeking to deepen that relationship of love and trust.
To God the Father, who first loved us,
and made us accepted in the Beloved;
To God the Son, who loved us,
and washed us from our sins in his own blood;
To God the Holy Ghost, who sheds the love of God
abroad in our hearts,
Be all love and all glory
For time and for eternity.
Thomas Ken (1637-1711)
from The Open Gate: Celtic Prayers for Growing Spiritually
by David Adam, p. 114
God, we praise you,
Father all-powerful, Christ, Lord and Saviour, Spirit of Love,
drawing us to share in your life and your love.
One God, three Persons,
be near to the people formed in your image,
close to the world your love brings to life.
We ask you this, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
one God, true and living, for ever and ever.
The Liturgy of the Hours
from The Book of a Thousand Prayers by Angela Ashwin, #869
Father, go with us on the journey of life,
and may the peace of Christ
and the power of his Spirit go with us.
from 500 Prayers for all Occasions by David Clowes, #498
For more posts on the theme of “on a journey”, click here.
This year, the General Assembly asked the Church to focus on prayer and particularly to pray as the Church thinks about its priorities for the future.
In 2016 a series of meetings were held around Scotland
a) to listen to the hopes and concerns of church members and
b) to explore solutions to the challenges of ministry and discipleship in the 21st century.
One of the outcomes is a prayer initiative called “Together We Pray” that runs from September 2017 to the next General Assembly in May 2018, with a National Day of Prayer scheduled for 25 November 2017.
“Our hope is that through Together We Pray, people will join together bringing all of life before God in prayer and imagine the future for the Church of Scotland and our communities.”
It would be good if we, as the International Presbytery of the Church of Scotland, also responded to this call to prayer, giving “Together We Pray” an international dimension.
Check out the Church of Scotland website for inspirational resources and for information on how you and your congregation can get involved.
Do you recognize any of the names? I certainly recognize a few …
This weekend I was part of a Presbytery Local Church Review team to St Andrews Church, Gibraltar. On Saturday, at the close our meeting with the church leaders, I read this benediction based on Psalm 103:
As you go from here, remember this:
God’s love is from everlasting to everlasting,
from generation to generation.
Just as a father has compassion on his children
so God has compassion on those who fear him,
who listen to his voice,
and who do his will.Go out in the knowledge
that the everlasting love of God goes with you.
I got as far as “from generation to generation” when I teared up and had to ask our team leader to take over.
We join the congregation in praying for God to make something happen so there will be many generations to come to witness to the everlasting love of God in this place. We pray the same for churches everywhere.
Pray too for life-giving relationships between the different generations in our congregations, as we seek to be faithful followers of Jesus in our time.
Benediction from
Anselm of Canterbury, also called Anselm of Aosta after his birthplace and Anselm of Bec after his monastery, was a Benedictine monk, abbot, philosopher and theologian of the Catholic Church, who held the office of archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 till his death in 1109. (Wikipedia)
In 2015 the current Archbishop of Canterbury, set up the Community of St Anselm, to bring together Christians aged 20 to 35 from many countries and cultures, and many church denominations and traditions for 10 months under a shared Rule of Life focused on prayer, study and service to the most vulnerable in society.
Most of us are not in the right age bracket or circumstances to join the Community of St Anselm ourselves. There’s nothing stopping us from joining them in spirit, though. Here’s some material to get you started.
About Anselm’s development as a writer on spiritual matters, Eugene Peterson writes:
“[Anselm] had written his Monologian, setting forth the proofs of God’s existence with great brilliance and power. It is one of the stellar theological achievements in the West. Then he realized that however many right things he had said about God, he had said them in the wrong language. He rewrote it all in a Proslogian (ed. Latin for Discourse), converting [talking about God] into [talking with God]: first-person address, an answer to God, a personal conversation with the personal God. The Proslogian is theology as prayer.” (from The Gift: Reflections on Christian Ministry, p. 93)
The Proslogian begins with this call to prayer:
Together, one-on-one with God.
You can find the full text of the Proslogian here.
based on Anselm’s writings
Jesus, like a mother you gather your people to you;
you are gentle with us as a mother with her children.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.Often you weep over our sins and our pride,
tenderly you draw us from hatred and judgement.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.You comfort us in sorrow and bind up our wounds,
in sickness you nurse us, and with pure milk you feed us.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.Jesus, by your dying we are born to new life;
by your anguish and labour we come forth in joy.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.Despair turns to hope through your sweet goodness;
through your gentleness we find comfort in fear.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.Your warmth gives life to the dead,
your touch makes sinners righteous.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.Lord Jesus, in your mercy heal us;
in your love and tenderness remake us.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.In your compassion bring grace and forgiveness,
for the beauty of heaven may your love prepare us.
Gather your little ones to you, O God,
as a hen gathers her brood to protect them.
from A Service for Mothering Sunday from the Church of England website.
Article: “St. Anselm of Canterbury: Scholarship Rooted in Prayer” by John P. Bequette
Article: “Faith Seeking Understanding” featuring Pope Benedict XVI’s reflections on St. Anselm from September 2009 (900th anniversary of Anselm’s death).
See also In the school of prayer with Ann Lewin and In the school of prayer with Eddie Askew
Fellow presbyters in Malta, waiting for the bus (Photo: Irene Bom)
For all the saints who went before us
who have spoken to our hearts and touched us with your fire,
we praise you, O God.For all the saints who live beside us
whose weaknesses and strengths are woven with our own,
we praise you, O God.For all the saints who live beyond us
who challenge us to change the world with them,
we praise you, O God.
by Janet Morley. Posted on the RevGalBlogPal’s A Place for Prayer.
I’m just back from the Presbytery meeting in Malta, where I had the opportunity to speak about this blog and get people excited about using it and even contributing to it.
I have a guest post lined up from Israel for later this month, and a number of the saints in the Presbytery have agreed to help me with a daily series of posts for Advent. I’m excited.
The theme for October is “Together”.
To kick things off, a psalm that celebrates the rich blessing that flows from life-giving relationships amongst God’s people.
A song of ascents. Of David.
How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!
It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down on the collar of his robe.
It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life for evermore.
On the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship website I found this article on Psalm 133 in the “Psalms for Families: Devotions for All Ages” series. All ages … that includes me and you.
after St Cyprian of Carthage (c. 200–258)
Lord, we pray for the unity of your Church.
Help us to see ourselves as rays from the one sun,
branches of a single tree,
and streams flowing from one river.
May we remain united to you and to each other,
because you are our common source of life;
and may we send out your light
and pour forth your flowing streams over all the earth,
drawing our inspiration and joy from you.
from The Book of a Thousand Prayers by Angela Ashwin, #527
Note: Congregations in the International Presbytery are invited to participate in a special Presbytery Prayer Focus for the 5 Sundays in October. The Aim: to join together in prayer for Presbytery-related matters and to strengthen the bonds between congregations with Presbytery as a whole, and Presbyters and congregations with each other.
For more information, click here.