Longing for his appearing
This past Sunday I got to preach on the topic of “Longing” as part of our Advent series, Waiting, longing, hoping and praying for the Day of the Lord. May God increase your longing for Jesus’ return as we move through Advent and on to another Covid-coloured Christmas. According to Paul, there is a … Continue reading "Longing for his appearing"...
All my longings
All my longings lie open before you, Lord: my sighing is not hidden from you. Psalm 38:9 A prayer My God, I pray that I may so know you and love you that I may rejoice in you. And if I may not do so fully in this life, let me go steadily … Continue reading "All my longings"...
Fulfil / Fill my longing
Three’s company (Photo: Irene Bom) As a songwriter, it’s such a privilege to write songs inspired by our shared faith in Jesus. And it’s such a joy to share my songs in my local church and beyond, also on this platform. For a few seasons now I have taken part in the 12-song challenge … Continue reading "Fulfil / Fill my longing"...