For courage and grace
A bold prayer for this first week in Lent. A prayer Lord Jesus Christ, who for our sake drew to yourself the world’s hate, grant us the courage to be vulnerable, grace to expose ourselves to the furies without and the furies within; and in our frailty send your holy angels to minister … Continue reading "For courage and grace"...
3 More prayers for courage
Here are 3 brief prayers for courage to aid you in your prayers as you bring your hopes and fears before God. Note: I’ve called this post 3 More prayers for courage as I already had a post entitled 3 Prayers for courage, posted in September 2020 when the theme of the month … Continue reading "3 More prayers for courage"...
Wait … strong, courageous, stubborn
Whatever befall, I know this for sure: I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. So wait for the Lord; be strong, be courageous, be stubborn; but wait for the Lord. excerpt from Psalm 27 from The Lincoln Psalter by the poet, Gordon Jackson … Continue reading "Wait … strong, courageous, stubborn"...
Courage … with joy
Paper mosaic (Photo: Irene Bom) The writer to the Hebrews tells us that Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame, “for the joy set before him”. (Hebrews 12:1b-2) John Chrysostom, a great fourth-century preacher in Constantinople, also speaks of joy in connection with our suffering for Christ’s sake: “When we suffer anything for … Continue reading "Courage … with joy"...