Theme for September 2023: Far

Far beyond

Far beyond

  Your thoughts are far beyond   my understanding, much more than I   could ever imagine. I try to count your thoughts, but they outnumber the grains   of sand on the beach. And when I awake,   I will find you nearby.     Psalm 139:17-18, CEV From the blog First things first Forgiven and forgotten Beyond … Continue reading "Far beyond"...
Far horizon

Far horizon

Drawing Near A Blessing It is difficult to see it from here, I know, but trust me when I say this blessing is inscribed on the horizon. Is written on that far point you can hardly see. Is etched into a landscape whose contours you cannot know from here. All you know is that it … Continue reading "Far horizon"...
This far, no further

This far, no further

Praying for Wisdom based on Job 38 Lord, you laid the earth’s foundations;     you placed its cornerstone; while the morning stars sang together     and all the angels shouted for joy, you set limits for the sea and said,      “This far and no further!” You gave orders to the morning     and showed the dawn its … Continue reading "This far, no further"...
Gathered from far

Gathered from far

Call to Worship inspired by Jeremiah 31:7-9 Sing aloud with gladness:     God is gathering the people! From the farthest parts of the earth we come:     All who struggle; all who labor with new life! Those who are weeping, God will console;     Those who get lost find a clear path home. Let us worship the God … Continue reading "Gathered from far"...